Farmers Appeal to World Bank for Support as the Subsidized Agro Input Project Winds Up.

The farmers made the appeal on Wednesday during a World Bank- MAAIF mission tour of beneficiaries of the project, implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) in Eastern districts of Bugweri, Kaliro, Mbale and Kumi, that ended on Thursday. Under the E-Voucher System, farmers contributed a certain percentage towards the purchase…

Pearl Capital Partners is pleased to announce the launch of UGX 23.9 Billion Dairy-Horticulture Credit Fund

The Yield Uganda Investment Fund is proud to announce a USD 2.6 million (UGX 9.5 billion) aggregate investment in Kamp Group Limited. This blended equity and debt funding was raised through a co-investment arrangement between Yield Uganda and Gorm Pedersen 2 Holding ApS, a Danish investor. This marks the Funds thirteenth investment in the Ugandan SME agribusiness sector.