Newman Foods - 2022
The Yield Uganda Investment Fund (Yield Fund) is pleased to announce an investment in Newman Foods Ltd, in a blend of equity and quasi-equity. This marks the Fund’s 14th investment into the Ugandan agricultural sector.
Newman Foods Ltd is a Kampala-based agro-processing company whose primary business is the production and marketing of branded consumer foods sold through retail stores in the local and the regional market, as well as aggregation and export of fresh fruits and vegetables (FFV) to the European market.
Kamp Feed Uganda - 2022
The Yield Uganda Investment Fund is proud to announce a USD 2.6 million (UGX 9.5 billion) aggregate investment in Kamp Group Limited. This blended equity and debt funding was raised through a co-investment arrangement between Yield Uganda and Gorm Pedersen 2 Holding ApS, a Danish investor. This marks the Funds thirteenth investment in the Ugandan SME agribusiness sector.
Enimiro Uganda - 2022
Enimiro is a Jinja based Agri SME company first incorporated in 2019, and has since achieved rapid traction in the vanilla marketplace. The company is a vertical supply chain management business connecting the small holder farmers to the international buying community for three organic products; vanilla, arabica coffee and dried pineapple, with vanilla as the anchor product. The business uses the latest product traceability systems to ensure constant support to its wide out-growers network of farmers while also providing an effective supply chain to the international customer base.